What kind of church are we?
Our Message is Precise.
We believe that every person is in need of salvation and must repent and believe the gospel by faith in order to be saved.
Our Motive is Pure.
Our goal is to reach the world for Christ so that all people might praise and GLORIFY GOD for His wonderful love and free gift of salvation.
Our Method is Practical.
1. We endeavor to reach as many with the Gospel as we can. We are actively engaged in spreading the news that Jesus came to save.
2. We endeavor to be conformed to the Biblical pattern of holiness and love: through practical application and patient endurance. We reinforce our families with the teachings of God concerning the proper roles of the husband and wife and their responsibility to teach and train their children: transmitting the timeless truth of God’s glorious grace.
Our Ministry is Personal.
Each person is unique and special in the eyes of God. We are taught by our Savior Jesus Christ that we would be known as His disciples by the love that we have for one another. Thus it is our desire to sincerely love each person and to minister through the power and grace of Jesus Christ.